A Pro Korea Gamer

So I saw this interview linked from ShackES and figured yay another interview with some guy who plays games really well.. but then I saw the quotes and thought "WTF?" Check out what this guy who moved overseas to Korea to play professional StarCraft is saying about how things are going over there. This is translated so the english is a little rough, This is just insane:

What makes Korean’s Starcraft environment great is the community behind it. Basically everyone in Korea under 40 years old knows and played Starcraft. Also, there are 6 channels on TV that broadcast games on a regular basis. That gives progamers a lot of exposure.  Grrr: I’m satisfied with my Starcraft career. I’ve performed better than what I could have dreamed of in all of the major tournaments. I’m now playing Starcraft only a few hours a week, only joining the big tournaments [...] Grrr:I sign a few autograph everyday in the streets. But I sign a lot more if I go to Pc rooms or to amusement park, where a lot of high-school students are. When I went WCGC (it was at Everland), I got surrounded by more than 50 kids are one time.

StarCraft is like a national thing over there in Korea. It's just freaky how a single computer game has made such a huge impact over there. Can anyone really imagine something like that happening with a game in the US or Europe or Canada?

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Shacknews.com. Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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