Empire of the Ants channels classic Warcraft 3 RTS days

Published , by Sam Chandler

Real-time strategy games offer players unparalleled control over armies consisting of hundreds of units from various real-world nations, fictional civilizations, and even the animal kingdom. Empire of the Ants is one such RTS game that puts players in control of one of the biggest armies in the world: ants. We recently got to speak with Renaud Charpentier, the game director, about what makes Empire of the Ants tick.

The team behind Empire of the Ants worked with the author of the trilogy of books on which the game is based. Charpentier mentions Bernard Werber’s involvement, stating that the author was present throughout the development period and even offered some ideas that were included in the game.

As for the gameplay, players can except the typical RTS elements of controlling your economy and military might, but with the added twist of this being a nest of ants. You can use your pheromones to protect your units and even enhance them as well as utilize a fear-based pheromone. This last one will see your enemies flee in terror, giving you the opening you need to push the attack or even retreat to safety.

While there’s no release date for Empire of the Ants, it does have a Steam page where you can check out the latest updates and even add it to your wishlist. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Interviews YouTube channel for more conversations with developers.