Reina revealed in Tekken 8 EVO showcase, completing the base roster

Published , by TJ Denzer

Tekken 8 isn’t terribly far away, and with its coming release in early 2024, it’s about time we saw who the final character on the roster was. Thankfully, EVO and Bandai Namco got together to show them off. Reina was revealed during the showcase, wrapping up the 32-character base roster. With their reveal we now know everyone we’re getting on day one of Tekken 8. Did your favorite make it in?

Reina was revealed as the last base character for the Tekken 8 roster during a special EVO showcase that saw previous Tekken champions come together to bid farewell to Tekken 7. There were show matches with world-famous players such as Daichi "Nobi" Nakayama, Bae "Knee" Jae-Min, and Arslan Ash, just to name a few. However, the headliner of the event was getting to see the reveal of Reina who, in addition to rounding out the Tekken 8 roster, is an all-new character with a fresh style to explore.

Reina looks to be another character rocking the Mishima style as their martial art of choice. Unlike Asuka, who is more in line with Jun and Jin Kazuya, Reina seems to be more on Kazuya and Heihachi's wavelength and has a meanstreak to match. Reina seems to have history with Jin and Kazuya as well, deepening the sense that she's somehow related to the Mishima bloodline.

Bandai Namco leads said that Reina's concept was based in duality.
Source: Bandai Namco

With Reina closing out the 32-player base roster for Tekken 8, we now know all of the characters we’ll be able to play on Day 1. You can see the full roster on our guide. Be sure to follow the Tekken 8 topic for further news and updates as well.