Published , by Sam Chandler
Published , by Sam Chandler
Much like the earlier games, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a massive, open world game full of things for players to do and see. For those that are scheduling in their play sessions, it can be useful to know how long it takes to beat Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. There are a couple of different answers here, as the time it takes to beat will varying depending on what your goals are while playing.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will take roughly 25 hours to beat if you’re doing some side quests and collectibles as you play through the main story. This number will decrease or increase depending on how long you take to do things, whether you engage in more side content, or those who want to mainline the campaign.
For those who want to do the campaign and get out, you can expect it to take roughly 18 hours to complete Spider-Man 2. If you want to 100% the game, collectible all the collectibles, do all the side quests, and generally be the best friendly neighborhood superhero, expect the whole game to take 30 hours, give or take.
Suffice it to say, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a large game with plenty to do. The good news is that, despite it being massive, it’s not so big as to be overwhelming. Even those gamers who play casually will find it possible to do much of what is on offer here in a reasonable time.
Now that you know how long it takes to beat Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you can plan out your gaming sessions. This should help you work out how far you are from the end of the game, too. Take a look at our Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 page for more help with things like parrying and the Moves List.