Best Black Knight decks - Marvel Snap

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Marvel Snap’s Bloodstone season brought the addition of Black Knight, a 1-Cost card that when in play, will take the power of the next card you Discard and give it to the 4-Cost Ebony Blade, which is added to your hand. It’s a brand new Discard design, and opens the door for some interesting new synergies. Here are some of our favorite Black Knight decks in Marvel Snap.

Hela Knight

Source: Second Dinner/RavenHS

This deck comes straight from the Black Knight community spotlight video on the official Marvel Snap YouTube channel. This list from RavenHS features Giganto and The Infinaut as high-Power cards that can be discarded for excellent Ebony Blade fodder. The inclusion of Ghost Rider and Taskmaster let you double dip, duplicating that power in a separate lane.

"Moon Knight"

Source: Jeff Hoogland

This deck pairs Black Knight with Moon Girl to double up on the former’s powerful effect. If you double Black Knight himself, you get to fire off his unique ability twice and create two Ebony Blades. If you already have an Ebony Blade in your hand, Moon Girl lets you directly double those cards. The inclusion of Zabu means you could be looking at a turn 6 where you can play two 14+ Power Ebony Blades to snatch victory from your opponent. This deck comes courtesy of content creator Jeff Hoogland.

Black Knight Rider

This standard Black Knight deck features multiple cards that’ll make sure you’re getting a good bang for your buck in terms of Ebony Blade Power output. The inclusion of Blade and Lady Sif allow you to have more control over the cards being discarded, and Armor will save those Ebony Blades from being Shang-Chi’d should you be able to play them out early.

Those are a few Black Knight decks that we really enjoy in Marvel Snap. Stick with us for more guides and news on Second Dinner’s card battler.