How to modify weapons - Starfield

Published , by Bill Lavoy

While you can pick up any weapon and use it as is in Starfield, modifying your weapons is key to making them more effective. Stealth players may want suppressors on all their guns, and snipers may want long-range scopes. Whatever it is that you’re trying to do, here’s how you can modify your weapons to get the job done.

How to modify your weapons

You need a Weapon Workbench to modify your weapons in Starfield.

To modify your weapons in Starfield, you’ll need to find a Weapon Workbench. These workbenches can be found in most locations that you explore, as well as throughout the towns and cities that you come across. A Weapon Workbench can be built at your outposts, or even on your ship if you find the right one or choose it in the ship builder.

Only weapons in your character's inventory can be modified at a workbench.

Once you access a Weapon Workbench, you’ll see a list of the weapons currently in your character’s inventory in the bottom center of the screen. This will not include weapons in storage containers in your outposts or on your ships. You can move your cursor over the weapons shown in the list and see a preview of what they look like at the top center of the screen, and detailed list of the stats on the left side of the screen, including the currently installed mods for that weapon.

Players can highlight the weapon they wish to customize and press the Modify button to do so.

Select the weapon that you wish to customize and click the Modify button in the bottom right corner of the screen. This is also where you can rename your weapon if you wish.

After selecting the weapon you wish to modify, choose the slot you wish to focus on, such as Internal or Receiver.

Once you choose the weapon you wish to modify, you’ll get a new screen that still shows an image of the weapon top center, and its details and installed mods on the left. However, the bottom center of your screen will now show the various mod slots for that weapon, as well as the currently installed component. As you mouse over the various slots, the image at the top center will highlight the part of the weapon that you can modify.

If they Install button can't be selected, you could be missing research, perks, or materials.

Once you select a slot you wish to modify, you’ll get a list of all the components that you can install, as well as what is currently installed. As you scroll over the various components, the details on the left side of your screen will update to show you how each modification will impact the weapon’s performance. When you settle on a modification you want to install, you can press the Install button listed near the bottom right corner of the screen.

The research required to install a weapon mod will be shown on the right side of the screen.

Here’s where things get interesting, though. If the Install button isn’t available, have a look at the top right of the screen. Do you have all the necessary resources to make the modification? If you do, look at the center right of the screen. Is there anything listed under Required Research that isn’t completed? In the image I’ve included just above this paragraph you’ll see that I want to install the Semi-Automatic component on my Maelstrom rifle. However, I’m missing Receiver Mods 1. If there happens to be Required Research that isn’t completed, your next stop is the Research Lab.

Tip: It’s important to note that when you are modifying your weapons, your available resources are pulled from not only your inventory, but also your ship’s cargo and your storage at your outposts.

To install weapon mods, you must unlock perks so that you can unlock Research Projects. It's a whole process.

When you access a Research Lab check the Weaponry tab on the bottom left of the screen. Scroll down to the Research Project that you need to complete. In my case that’s Receiver Mods 1. If the Research Project isn’t blocked, and you have all the required materials to complete it, do so and you can simply return to the Weapon Workbench to continue modifying your weapon.

The Weapon Engineering skill is crucial for anyone who wishes to modify their weapons in Starfield.

If the Research Project is showing that it’s blocked, check the Required Skills listing at the top center of your screen. Is there a skill that you don’t have? If there is, you must unlock that skill from the appropriate skill tree to complete the project, and you must complete the project before you can modify your weapon. I know, it’s a whole process.

If a Resarch Project is required, you can track the materials needed to complete it.

If your Research Project isn’t blocked, but you can’t complete it, check to see what resources are required. From here, you can Track Project, which will highlight any resources you’re missing as you’re moving about the universe. Any resources that are required for a project you’re tracking will appear with a blue magnifying glass when you scan a planet, as well as when you’re roaming the planet and using your scanner. When you've made your way through this process and have completed the right Research Projects, acquired the right resources, and unlocked the proper skills, you can modify your weapons desired.

Now that you know how to modify your weapons, visit our Starfield Strategy Guide for more help with all your space-traveling needs.