Should you let Astarion bite you? - Baldur's Gate 3

Published , by Lucas White

Sometimes (okay, lots of times), things in Baldur’s Gate 3 get a little weird. For example, the number of times your character wakes up in the middle of the night with a companion in their face is higher than I would’ve expected. One of the fun ones you get early on is when Astarion, explaining his whole Tim-Curry-in-Rocky-Horror vibe, reveals that he’s a vampire.

Luckily, you wake up just in time to decide if you want to give the man permission or not. Astarion swears he won’t kill you, and that you won’t be turned into a vampire either. He just wants a little taste! Heard that one before, right? Your options expand from there, and if you’re wondering if you should let Astarion bite you or not, here’s what you need to know.

Should you let Astarion bite you?

It's okay to let Astarion bite you, just consider whether you should push him off you, unless you don't mind dying and being revived.
Source: Shacknews

If you let Astarion bite you, there are a few results. You can in fact die from this, although you can come back to life and enjoy some hilarious dialogue. But if you pass a dice roll you can make it through alive. Obviously this is a great vehicle for some easy approval if you’re trying to shack up with your boy LARPer Dracula. There are combat implications as well.

Astarion bite advantages & disadvantages

Source: Larian Studios

If Astarion bites you, he will get the “Happy” buff, and you’ll walk away with the “Bloodless” debuff. These respectively award a +1 bonus and -1 penalty to attack rolls and ability checks until the next time you take a Long Rest. More importantly, Astarion will gain the Vampire Bite Bonus Action, which heals him for 2d4 HP. It can also deal 2d4 Piercing damage as long as the target isn’t sleeping and Astarion isn’t hiding. It even reapplies the Happy buff!

Check out our Baldur’s Gate 3 strategy guide page for more hints and help on this sprawling adventure.