Marvel Snap June 13, 2023 patch notes nerf Galactus

Published , by TJ Denzer

Marvel Snap’s latest patch has arrived for the month of June, and so have the patch notes that explain it. The digital Marvel card game continues to be one of the most fun mobile games around, but the meta also continues to change as the developers at Second Dinner fine tune the game’s cards and their abilities. For this June 2023 patch, we got a new Conquest game mode to enjoy, but a big change to Galactus may shake the competitive meta. Check out the full patch notes here!

Marvel Snap June 13, 2023 patch notes

Galactus' world-eating ways took a nerf in the June 2023 patch for Marvel Snap.
Source: Second Dinner

The Marvel Snap June 2023 patch and its accompanying notes were released on the Marvel Snap website on June 13. These notes bring the latest set of balances to the game, including a major change to Galactus. Where previously on reveal, he destroyed all other locations besides the one he was played in, players must now be winning the location Galactus is played in for his on-reveal ability to activate. Second Dinner has attempted to balance this change by giving Galactus more power. You can check out the full patch notes below:


New Game Mode: Conquest


New to the Token Shop – Mystery Series 3!

Weekend Missions

- Weekend Missions offer more goals and rewards for players, beyond their current Daily Missions and Weekly Missions. With the initial release of this feature, each weekend will have three Weekend Missions:

- Each of these reward amounts will vary depending on the difficulty of the mission. There will be Weekly Missions available for each new card release. Weekly Missions for a Newly Released Card are a great way to earn back Tokens with your new cards – essentially reducing the overall Token cost!

Series Drop Updates: Some cards have dropped to a lower series.

- Cards dropping from Series 5 to Series 4:

- Cards dropping from Series 4 to Series 3:


We’ve got one major change this week, and two smaller adjustments we anticipate will make some of our lesser-played cards a lot more fun. We know this patch is coming a couple weeks after High Evolutionary’s release, but bear in mind we implemented these changes well in advance of his release, so we’ll be using OTAs and our next patch to address changes that may be related to that card’s impact on the metagame.


- Galactus:

Galactus is a card we’ve kept a close eye on since release. His ability warps the game, changing the goal for both players from claiming two locations to waging war around cards that “counter” him/his finishers and priority. We don’t mind mixing things up a bit from time to time in that regard, but Galactus’s play rate was moving past the thresholds we set to determine both competitive diversity and also how frequently the game gets reduced to that state. Because Galactus is inherently counterable, we waited to see if the metagame could sort itself out, but it hasn’t. Galactus’s popularity has increased, his winrate has only grown, and many players don’t even enjoy beating him–these are problems worth solving.

The original design for Galactus is difficult to rebalance, because it has essentially one value we can adjust: Power. However, lower Power can mean that Galactus always loses priority, making post-Galactus counters like Shang-Chi or Enchantress difficult to play. Meanwhile, increases may let you beat these cards more naturally, especially Professor X. Either way, it’s still all about the counters. We considered making him the first true 7-Cost card, but that was just less fun and weaker with the same issues. We also considered full redesigns for Galactus but didn’t find anything that cleared our bar, which is very high.

Ultimately, we decided to make Power a functional way for us to tune Galactus, which led us to this additional “winning” restriction. Caring about winning this way lets players contest Galactus within the core fun of SNAP–using Power to challenge for locations. Relying exclusively on counters is frustrating because neither player has much control over their appearance, but every deck should have the ability to muster 7 Power. We expect he’ll be stronger in decks that play him on turn 6 after Hobgoblin or Nimrod, but worse in the stronger, more popular Galactus archetypes. If this change proves too much or too little, it’s also given us the ability to tune him further via OTA and find the healthiest spot.

- Maria Hill:

We’re giving Maria Hill the ability to roll a 2-Cost card primarily to make her a better thematic parallel to Agent Coulson. We expect this to be a slight buff as you’ll occasionally get a better card from her, and half the time your Quinjet will provide a discount in those scenarios too. Not a huge mover, but a more enjoyable card.

- Dazzler:

Dazzler’s old ability didn’t give enough of a boost to reflect the level of investment that filling your board demands, and never really found a home competing against many of our strongest 4-Cost cards. We decided to give her more incremental boosts as you fill locations, which also lets her benefit from Space Throne, and shifted her rate to 3-Cost. In addition to changing up the competition, she may have a home alongside Brood with Silver Surfer, in Patriot with Ultron, or other shells.



That covers the Marvel Snap June 2023 patch notes. Be sure to follow our Marvel Snap coverage for previous patches and further news on the game!