Buddy bundles video games with curated cannabis edibles

Published , by Sam Chandler

Video games and cannabis consumption is a combination as popular as chocolate and peanut butter. The two just seem to go together. The team at Buddy recognized a unique market, one that has yet to be fully explored, and they have created a company that pairs video games with curated cannabis edibles. We had the opportunity to speak with the CTO of Buddy, Isaac Torres, about the process of creating the company, the challenges and legal hurdles encountered, and how developers can pair their game with a unique cannabis product.

The origin of Buddy started when the team went to release their first game and, in a bid to stand out among the indie scene, created the first video game weed strain. They worked together with North Country Pharm to develop a cannabis product to market alongside their game. This spurred on the creative juices and resulted in the company we have today.

“We’re a low-dosage cannabis company, but our partnerships with developers go into creating an edible product that is specifically meant to be used alongside playing a game,” Torres explains. “We work with a developer to figure out the THC and CBD ratio of the edible.” Torres goes on to explain that there are so many other discussions they have with developers including the strain, packaging, as well as any unique instructions the developers want to give the users.

It’s certainly an underutilized market and Buddy looks to have a rather unique idea here. Torres dives into more detail about some of the challenges of bringing this idea to market, including the issues that arise from different regions and territories. You can learn more about the video game and cannabis combination over on the Buddy main site. Don’t forget to subscribe to the GamerHubTV and Shacknews YouTube channels for more interviews and video game news.