Deep Rock Galactic developer launches Ghost Ship Publishing arm

Published , by TJ Denzer

For quite a few years, Ghost Ship Games has been heightening its reputation as the developer of the illustrious first-person co-op mining game, Deep Rock Galactic. Now, it’s looking to expand its reach to help boost other developers in their own projects. The studio has announced Ghost Ship Publishing, which will act as a supposed launch pad to help boost small developers in the Danish gaming scene, as well as other developers worldwide.

Ghost Ship announced its publishing arm with the launch of a webpage dedicated to Ghost Ship Publishing on the studio’s website. The studio has spent a lot of time growing since its acquisition by Embracer Group and wants to help other small devs do the same, particularly in its home nation of Denmark.

“With a slate of titles to be revealed later this year, Ghost Ship Publishing is committed to establishing itself as a launchpad for independent video games in the rapidly growing Danish games industry and beyond,” Ghost Ship’s press release reads.

Ghost Ship made a name for itself on Deep Rock Galactic and wants to help other Danish developers and small game studios find their finish line as well.
Source: Ghost Ship Publishing

CEO of Ghost Ship Games Søren Lundgaard had more to say about the mission of Ghost Ship Publishing at the time of its launch:

It is unknown if this will have any affect on Coffee Stain Publishing, which currently publishes Ghost Ship’s Deep Rock Galactic. However, it would seem that there are quite a few titles already confirmed for the new Ghost Ship Publishing banner. As those titles are revealed, stay tuned for news on them here at Shacknews.