Evening Reading - February 7, 2023

Published , by TJ Denzer

Welcome to the end of Tuesday, Shackers. It’s about time to work out way towards Hump Day and coast into the end of the week, but we’ve got ourselves another Evening Reading to consider first. We’re closing down another day of posting proper. Join us and enjoy, won’t you?

In case you missed it at Shacknews…

And now… More stuff from The Internet!!!

The February Nintendo Direct Cometh!

What are you hoping to see out of tomorrow’s Nintendo showcase? I’m hoping for some surprise JRPGs.

Tim Sweeney lays into big tech layoffs

Chamber of Progress represents several major tech companies, including Meta, Google, and Amazon, which have laid off tens of thousands of employees since early December. Good on Sweeney, calling out hypocrisy.

Disaster in East Palestine, Ohio

A train carrying vinyl chloride derailed causing a massive chemical fire that authorities were forced to let burn for fear of an explosion if they intervened. The local area was evacuated.

Thankfully, the fire has finally settled. Best wishes to Ohio residents. Hopefully they can go home soon.

Palate cleansing cuteness

That kitten says “unhand me, vile human.” Best do as it says.

Nobody boos Frasier

Don’t turn around, Frasier. You gotta keep looking in its direction or that Boo will get your tossed salad and your scrambled eggs!

The silliness is the same, only the names changed

It’s kind of wild how fast folks have moved onto the next “big trend.” AI is cool, but it’s moving far faster in the last year than we’ve seen in a while.

Zen wherever you are

I’m not gonna lie. I want one of these for my day job. It seems like it would be very nice to just plop wherever I felt like it for a sec.

And there you have it. That’s your Evening Reading for this fine February 7. We hope you enjoyed our articles today, as well as this closing chapter. If you’d like to support Shacknews, don’t forget about Mercury. It supports us directly and you can do it for as little as a dollar a month. Don’t have a dollar? Don’t need one to enjoy Shackpets. It’s the ultimate battle of pet cuteness, free on iOS and Android, and now with the Latest Pets feature available on browsers via Shacknews.com! It’s the only way you’ll see pics like the one below of my sweet furbaby, Silo.

Flaff's bed was dirty, but she wouldn't let us take her blanket while we cleaned the bed out. So sassy.

Thanks for stopping by, Shackers. I hope you have a good night. Any good games or books in your life? Sound off in the Shacknews Chatty section below!