Published , by Donovan Erskine
Published , by Donovan Erskine
Discord has been routinely securing partnerships and other business deals as it looks to expand the mass communication platform. After recently introducing server subscriptions and integrating proper support for Xbox platforms, Discord has announced its latest business move. Discord has acquired Gas, a popular social media app geared toward teenagers.
Discord announced its acquisition of Gas in an official blog post. Gas was released in 2022 and allows users to participate in anonymous polls about their peers. Geared towards younger audiences, the app is meant to promote positivity and compliments, thus the name, Gas. In the announcement, the company shares what initially intrigued it about the platform, and its plans moving forward.
While Gas is mainly tailored toward a younger audience, Discord has a much wider target audience. Fans will likely be curious to see if the new parent company looks to market the app to older users as well, or keep it to its current demographic.
Discord has made strides to add native game and app functionality to the platform, so it will be interesting to see if the platform integrates Gas down the road, or something similar. In the meantime, be sure to bookmark our Discord topic page for the latest updates on the communication platform and the company running it.