Evening Reading - November 3, 2022

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Good evening, Shacknews, it's night time, which means it's time for Evening Reading. Let's officially close out our day of posting. Please take a look.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

Fighting games are art

It's almost hypnotic.

Accidental success

Works for me.

Stephen King continues to dunk on Elon Musk

Absolute legend.

After yesterday's match...

Lamar Jackson really can do it all

November = The Shining

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Fruit Cake Mountain Dew

I love the holiday season.

Every single podcast

I've probably been guilty of this myself.

Eagles WR banter

I wonder how slow I am compared to these guys...

Grand Moff Styles

So he's in the MCU and Star Wars?

There you have it, Shacknews, your Evening Reading for tonight. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month.

Leia won't wake up unless you download Shackpets on iOS or Android!