Destiny 2 Hotfix patch notes fix Resilience for Titans & Warlocks

Published , by TJ Denzer

Another season of Destiny 2 means another season chock full of new and exciting content to explore, including new challenges and raids, new stories, and new rewards for engaging in it all. It also means a grand new opportunity for a bunch of stuff to break. Arc 3.0 is out, and it has been nice, but Resilience hasn’t been working the way it should for Titans and Warlocks. That precious damage reduction is fixed and should work as intended as of the Hotfix update. This fix comes along other patch notes as well.

Destiny 2 Hotfix patch notes

Titans on the Arc 3.0 Striker subclass and Warlocks on the Arc 3.0 Stormcaller subclass should now benefit properly from Resilience in PVE as of Destiny 2 Hotfix
Source: Image via Bungie

Bungie released Destiny 2 Hotfix and its accompanying patch notes on September 1, 2022. There are a number of notable fixes, including ironing out glitches in the King’s Fall raid and fixing issues with Heavy Grenade Launchers. However, one of the biggest fixes is the patch to Resilience for Warlocks and Titans using Arc 3.0. Boosting Resilience meant a notable damage reduction bonus, but it was only working for Hunters in the Season of Plunder. Now it should work as intended for all classes. Check out the full patch notes below.




King’s Fall

Gameplay and Investment




Power and Progression


Platforms and Systems


That covers the patch notes for Destiny 2 Hotfix Stay tuned for more coverage and be sure to check out our full Destiny 2 strategy guide for all of your Guardian needs.