Google pushes back third-party cookie replacement to 2024

Published , by Morgan Shaver

Google has been actively working on replacing third-party cookies in its Chrome browser for some time now. Originally, Google had intended to end support for said cookies by early 2022. However, Google ended up pushing the timing back a bit further in June of 2021, and is now pushing the timeline back once again.

As reported by outlets like CNBC, Google will be holding off on rolling out its cookie replacement, Privacy Sandbox, until 2024. Elaborating on the decision in a blog post, Google’s VP of Privacy Sandbox, Anthony Chavez, explained:

The blog post included an image on the updated timeline for the rollout of Privacy Sandbox.

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The blog post goes on to note that developers can test these APIs as of today, with trials for the Privacy Sandbox expanding to millions of users in early August, before Google gradually increases the trial population for Privacy Sandbox throughout the rest of 2022, and into 2023.

While it’s always unfortunate when things get delayed, it’s understandable that Google may need some additional time to ensure Privacy Sandbox is ready to go without any major hiccups at launch. We’re curious though, what are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to Google’s new cookie alternative? Let us know in Chatty!

For more on where Google is at with Privacy Sandbox, and the delay in its rollout, be sure to read through the full blog post. And for more on Google, check out some of our previous coverage including how Google (GOOGL) advertising revenue topped $56 billion in Q2 2022.