Destiny 2 Hotfix patch notes add Deepsight progression from Guardian Games

Published , by TJ Denzer

As we truck along through Destiny 2 and everything its latest Witch Queen expansion has to offer, so too does Bungie work to ensure the game remains fair, balanced, and fun for all players as possible. With that in mind, a new hotfix has dropped. Hotfix issues tweaks on a number of small issues and you can check out everything the latest update has to offer in the notes here.

Destiny 2 Hotfix patch notes

Deepsight is a relatively new progression system introduced in the Destiny 2: The Witch Queen expansion. Hotfix now allows players to gain Deepsight progress from Guardian Games activities.

Bungie rolled out the Hotfix update for Destiny 2 on May 10, 2022, along with its accompanying patch notes detailing all of its tweaks and fixes. After a relatively short and limited fix in Hotfix, this one returns with a bit more meat on the bones. Notably, Hotfix makes it so players will now get progression on Deepsight levels and weapons from engaging in the ongoing Guardian Games event and playlist. There are also changes to the Nova Pulse ability and further tweaks. You can read the detailed notes just below:



Ghost Shells


That covers the entirety of fixes, tweaks, and updates in Destiny 2’s Hotfix patch notes. For more on Deepsight and further Destiny 2 help, be sure to check out our full strategy guide and walkthrough for all of your Witch Queen progress and needs.