Orcs Must Die! 3 Design Director on how Google Stadia made the game happen

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Orcs Must Die! 3 is the latest installment in the tower defense series. Originally launching in 2020 as a Google Stadia exclusive title, the game later came to other platforms. However, Stadia holds a special significance, as the developer states that the platform is what made OMD3 happen. We spoke with Robot Entertainment to learn more about the game’s creation.

Shacknews head of video Greg Burke sat down with Jerome K. Jones, Lead Design director over at Robot Entertainment to further discuss the development of Orcs Must Die! 3. In the interview, Jones talks about the process of bringing the OMD franchise back and how Google Stadia played an integral role in making it happen.

“I think our CEO has made it clear that without Stadia, Orcs Must Die! 3 probably wouldn’t have gotten made,” he said. “[The testing process] was really nice,” he continued. Jones explains that Stiadia’s architecture made it easy for the team to quickly access and test new builds during the game’s development.

Our full interview with Jerome K. Jones features a lot of insight to the development of Orcs Must Die! 3. If you’re interested in more interviews with developers, we urge you to visit the Shacknews and GamerHubTV YouTube channels, and be sure to subscribe while you’re there.