Nintendo discloses Switch age demographic data for first time

Published , by Donovan Erskine

One of the most fascinating things about the Nintendo Switch leading up to and following its release, was the fact that it was being marketed towards adults. Of course, all of Nintendo’s products are designed for players of all ages, but it was clear that Nintendo was really trying to appeal to adults as well as children with its hybrid console. Now, Nintendo has revealed the age demographics of Switch players for the first time ever.

In a recent business presentation, Nintendo detailed the performance of the Nintendo Switch since its launch. It was here that the company revealed the age demographics for players on the hot console. In the graph provided, we see that young adults aged 20-25 make up the biggest share of the Switch’s demographic. From there, we see that adults well into their 40s make up a decent portion of that player base as well, with numbers quickly decreasing from there.

Interestingly enough, children only make up for a small portion of Switch players. Ages 10-12 are the biggest demographic among minors, but the numbers pale in comparison to what we see from adults. Again, this can probably be traced back to the fact that Nintendo made a clear choice to market the Switch to older audiences leading up to and after its launch. The Switch also has much more mature games than most previous consoles from the company.

With how wildly popular the Nintendo Switch is, it’s interesting to see what the age demographics for the console look like. If anything, it just reaffirms the idea that Nintendo’s products appeal to a massively wide range of audiences. During the same presentation that we got these demographic stats, the company also announced that the Nintendo Switch Online service had topped 32 million total subscribers back in September.