Evening Reading - October 15, 2021

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Greetings, once again! I am back on the Good Ship Shacknews for another round of Evening Reading and possibly some shuffleboard afterwards. We're wrapping up this week the best way we know how, even though... we're actually here tomorrow. We'll get into that a little later, but first!

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And, because it's the weekend, go find yourself something to play!

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

A rotten start to the day

Shut it all down, Clay!

Oh man, I have no idea what's going on

Now that is a Happy Home Designer.


He is inevitable

There's always next time, Waluigi.

Before Sora and Sephiroth meet again...


Who remembers this fight and who remembers staring slack-jawed at the screen when this happened? *raises hand*


Gabagool to you, too, I guess.


We'll probably see more of her at DC FanDome on Saturday, as well as the full trailer for The Batman. Shacknews will be watching DC FanDome, too, for all of the latest updates on the various DC games coming in the next year, so be sure to visit our site tomorrow!

Today in pets

That last one looks like the most wholesome sequel to Untitled Goose Game ever.

It's Jackbox Night!

The Jackbox Party Pack 8 is out now! Grab the family, grab some friends, and go play a few rounds! I reviewed this earlier this week, so go check that out!

Checking on America's "It" couple

I'll be honest, I haven't followed the day-to-day goings-on with this couple. And lord knows, I'm really not interested in doing so. Hell, this is what I mainly know Machine Gun Kelly for:

Heh heh heh... Kevin Owens is a Canadian treasure.


This has been a weird week, because there hasn't been any AEW Dynamite for me to get excited about. No, the NHL has bumped it to Saturday. HOWEVAH, we do have this free, LIVE YouTube pre-show for tonight's AEW Rampage, featuring Bryan Danielson (the former Daniel Bryan) vs. everyone's favorite Murder Grampa from Japan, Minoru Suzuki!

Not everyday you get to see this, so enjoy it!

Tonight in video game music

After spending a few weeks with some good tracks from some "meh" games, let's go back to the classics. Here's an epic take on The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past's Hyrule Castle theme, featuring strong orchestral melodies and some powerful choir work. A wonderful mix that you should add to your regular rotation.

That is your Evening Reading to send you off into an exciting weekend. We're back here tomorrow to cover the big news from Minecraft Live and DC FanDome. Until then, we kindly ask that you to subscribe to Shacknews Mercury and support our humble site for as little as $1/month. Not only does it help keep the lights on, but it also ensures that everyone here on the Shacknews staff, including myself, can continue to bring you the best of video games every day.

What are your big plans for this Friday night? Join the conversation and let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.