Rollers of the Realm: Reunion interview: Pinball reimagined

Published , by Chris Jarrard

Pinball games have long been linked to the video game world, dating all the way back into the 1970s. In all that time, the game itself has changed little outside of a few novel table designs that have come down the pipe over the years. Now, the team at Phantom Compass is hoping that their novel take on the classic coin-operated machines can be the genre’s next big step. Rollers of the Realm: Reunion marries pinball and traditional RPGs for an intriguing hybrid.

Our resident video expert Greg Burke got an opportunity to sit down with Ericka Evan and Tony Walsh of Phantom Compass recently. The duo spoke at length about how the project came together and what makes Rollers of the Realm: Reunion worth a closer look. 

Join the Rogue, Knight, Mage, and Healer classes on an epic campaign to travel between worlds and reunite lost civilizations to battle an unearthed ancient menace. Battle enemies above, below, and beyond. Make friends and allies. Platform and parkour through medieval cities and underground labyrinths. Solve puzzles and navigate mazes. Rollers of the Realm: Reunion offers an award-winning gameplay mashup for players of all skill levels.

The game’s official Steam page touts the following features:

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