SEC investigating Activision Blizzard over harassment, misconduct

Published , by Chris Jarrard

2021 has been a rocky year for the folks over at Activision Blizzard and it would seem that the bad news will be continuing. According to sources familiar with the matter, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has opened a wide-ranging investigation into Activision Blizzard and the recent reports of workplace harassment and misconduct.

The report comes via the Wall Street Journal, which has sources that have seen documents pertaining to the investigation. The report says that Activision and several of its top executives, including CEO Bobby Kotick, have been subpoenaed as a part of the proceedings.

The documents show that the SEC is after materials including the minutes of board meetings from 2019, personnel files from six former employees, and the separation agreements that were made with staffers earlier this year. Correspondence between Kotick and other management regarding complaints of sexual harassment and other misconduct is of particular interest to the investigation.

Just last week, Activision Blizzard was accused of union-busting behavior and employee intimidation by the National Labor Relations Board. This development came only weeks after the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing filed suit against the company in relation to various allegations and charges. Response from the corporate side of Activision Blizzard has been lackluster, at best.