Amazon plans to open large retail stores in the United States

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Amazon already dominates the online retail world, pulling in millions upon millions of customers around the world. The company also has its fingers in other aspects of the entertainment industry, with video game and film studios under its belt. Now, Amazon is looking to extend its retail empire by building physical stores in the United States.

Amazon’s plans to open physical retail stores in the United States was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. The report states that the first of these stores will be opened in California and Ohio, though it doesn’t specify where in those states. It’s also stated that Amazon’s stores will be roughly 30,000 square feet in size, which is around the average size of your typical retailer. Amazon has already seen out-of-this-world success with its e-commerce business, and will look to venture into brick & mortar soon.

It’s not specified what exact products Amazon will offer at these stores, other than the wording of “well-known consumer brands.” It’s likely that these stores will offer a range of products, mirroring the company’s online service. This technically wouldn’t be the first time Amazon’s branding has been attached to a brick-and-mortar retailer, as the company acquired Whole Foods back in 2017. Amazon has yet to publicly acknowledge the reports from WSJ.

Amazon’s move to start opening physical retail shops isn’t surprising, but interesting nonetheless. The company is arguably the biggest brand in retailing, and it will be fascinating to see how it’s brick & mortar stores perform. It’s possible we could see these stores expand outside of US borders at some point down the road. For more on Amazon and everything happening in the business world, Shacknews is your place.