Hitman 3's latest Elusive Target, the Heartbreaker, is now active in Mendoza

Published , by TJ Denzer

Another chapter in Hitman 3’s Seven Deadly Sins series of DLC and another month of roadmap content are now in play as we close out July and enter into August. As always, that also means that new Elusive Targets come into play. The Season of Lust is upon you, Hitman fans, and appropriately, you’ll be heading to Mendoza to snuff out a new target known as the Heartbreaker from now through early August.

IO Interactive launched the Heartbreaker Elusive Target with a briefing trailer to go with him on July 30, 2021. Philo Newcombe is a wedding planner with a nasty habit. In addition to aiding in the arrangement of happiest days, he also ruins those days by getting romantically infatuated with one half of the couple and covertly murdering the other. The client was once a bride whose groom he targeted. She wants Newcombe and his heinous pursuits of lust put to an end by any means necessary. The Heartbreaker is in Mendoza and players will have from July 30 to August 8 to track him down and end him.

The Heartbreaker is quite the appropriately themed creep for Hitman 3’s recently revealed Season of Lust. Don’t forget that you have one shot at this fellow. Succeed or fail, you won’t have another chance to take him out. It also turns out he’s currently on the job with another wedding. That could be to your advantage if you have the proper routes, cover, and gadgets to allow you to move on him.

Philo Newcombe is just one part of the Hitman 3 Season of Lust, which will host Shacknews Featured Contracts in August. Be sure to stay tuned to our Hitman 3 coverage as we prepare our own unique missions for you in this coming month.