Orbital Bullet's Fresh Meat update brings a new biome, weapons, & enemies to slay

Published , by TJ Denzer

Orbital Bullet has been kicking around in early access for a minute with its unique brand of 360 degree roguelike action platform shooting. Developer Smokestab and publisher Assemble Entertainment definitely have an interesting thing going and it’s about to get even better. Today, the Fresh Meat update comes to Orbital Bullet, complete with a new biome to explore, new enemies to destroy or get destroyed by, and new perks and weapons with which to deal out death.

Smokestab and Assemble Entertainment unveiled the Orbital Bullet Fresh Meat update on June 25, 2021 with a new trailer on the Assemble YouTube channel and a Steam developer blog post. As of today, Orbital Bullet players can discover the new biome in the bloodstained crimson factories of the planet Karth. The products being manufactured by Dread Corp here aren’t for the faint of heart and you’ll have to contend with a dastardly array of mutant super soldiers the only way you know how, with bloody murder.

In addition to the new biome and enemies, new perks and weapons join the fold. You can utilize five new weapons like the flesh torching Flamethrower or the energetic Plasma Spiral Gun, or you can turn your enemies into ordinance to destroy their allies with when you get Corpse Collector upgrade and butt bash your enemies to stun them for the kill with the Down Smash upgrade.

Having come into Steam early access back in April 2021, Fresh Meat represents the first major update for Orbital Bullet and, boy howdy, is it a top-to-bottom doozy. You can play it if you have the game now or discover it alongside the rest of Orbital Bullet by getting it for 25% off alongside the rest of the Steam Summer Sale 2021. Stay tuned for further updates and upgrades coming to this fantastically action-packed roguelike shooter.