Nintendo founder's heirs offer a look at 'mind-blowing' Yamauchi No.10 Family Office

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Nintendo has come a long way since the company’s early days back in the late 1800s. Though the company has seen much evolution over the past century, the bloodline of founder Fusajiro Yamauchi is still around, and remains one of the wealthiest families in Japan. Now, the Yamauchis have revealed their new Family Office, which heavily references the gaming giant that is Nintendo.

The Yamauchi No. 10 Family Office website recently went live, and is like a massive love letter to the gaming company that the family founded. The site is filled with colorful pixelated art, making it feel like it was plucked right out of an 80s video game. Thank you to Bloomberg for its reporting on the site. There’s 8-bit music, animated characters and animals, and so much more to discover. Viewers can also turn the music off and opt to view the site in a more traditional way, without all of the flair and celebration.

Banjo Yamauchi, descendant of Fusajiro Yamauchi, spoke to his ideas and motivations behind the new Family Office. "I wanted to create something mind-blowing," he said. "It represents our nature of doing something that's not been done before,” Yamauchi continued.

That last line rings true not only for the Yamauchis, but for most families of similar wealth. Family Offices are notoriously secretive about their doings, so this is a massive departure. It’s equally remarkable to see that the Yamauchis are still very much intertwined with Nintendo after so many generations. Despite all the change the company has seen, the Yamauchi bloodline seems to still be quite fond of The Big N.