Evening Reading - April 29, 2021

The sun is setting over America. Let's close out our day of posting with our regularly scheduled Evening Reading.


Good evening, Shackizens, it's night time over North America, which means it's time for Evening Reading. Let's end our day of posting, officially, with some hot memes. Please take a look.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

Important image to consider

Think before you subtweet, it probably falls somewhere in the middle.

Behold, the guide to supermarket parking

Someone is always willing to put data into a spreadsheet, no matter what it's about.

Princess Peach got some new kicks

Guaranteed to make you run faster and jump higher.

Can't have an Evening Reading without a sex toy story

Ok, maybe this one wasn't exactly designed to be a sex toy, but the only thing stopping you is yourself.

Mike Trout gives his opinion on Warzone meta

I guess playing an empty stadium is better than the gulag.

This little guy needs some orange

What a patient little creature. I would share my orange with it.

Bobby Kotick's eyes

They are blacker than his soul.

In case you missed it on skankcore64 last night

In this house, we call save scumming a "Stevetendo".

The internet mourns the passing of a laughing legend

Rest in peace, El Risitas (The Giggles), you made the world a happier place.

There's your Evening Reading for today, and with that, I bid you a good night, Shacknews. Please consider a Shacknews Mercury subscription to support the site. It's as little as a dollar a month, I heard somewhere that's less than a cup of coffee a day! I'll leave you with a picture of my cats, Franklin and Lincoln getting all snuggled up for the night.

What are you up to tonight? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.

Contributing Editor

From the test launch of the NES in New York to 4K gaming in his living room, Bryan Lefler has been immersed in video games his entire life. Battle tested in the arena shooters of the turn of the century yet kind to all animals that may cross him, Bryan enjoys a breadth of games but strives to be the best in any contest of digital skill. He is a former esports competitor and has been part of the Shacknews community for over 15 years. You can also catch him on skankcore64 streams on the Shacknews Twitch channel where he plays through the N64 library and follow him on Twitter @skankcore.

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola