Apple Thermal Touch patent describes tech that makes any surface an AR touch-screen

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Despite Apple already having a wide array of ongoing products and services, the tech giant is always working on new tech to unveil in the future. While we’ve already got the strong indication that Apple is currently developing its own VR and AR devices, a new patent may clue us to another product coming from the company. Apple has patented Thermal Touch, which is described as a technology that can make any surface function as an AR touch-screen.

The patent for Apple Thermal Touch was made by the company and spotted by Patently Apple. The Thermal Touch technology is being designed by Metaio, a company that Apple acquired back in 2015. In the patent, Apple describes technology that will allow owners to use any physical surface as an AR touch-screen.

The Thermal Touch technology is meant to be used with a set of AR glasses. When a person touches an object, their body heat gives off a thermal signature. It’s this heat signature that Thermal Touch will utilize for owners to potentially browse the internet, type, and more. We had already learned that Apple was working on AR glasses, and it appears that these wearables will include a thermal camera, which will detect when a user physically interacts with a surface.

Keep in mind that this news is coming from patents made by Apple, though the company has made no official announcements. If Apple’s AR technology and Thermal Touch are revealed at a future event, you can expect to read about it right here on shacknews.