Unisys Enforcing GIF Patents
Yeah, I know, this has absolutely nothing to do with 3D games, but plant a wet one here: (_o_). It seems that Unisys, the monkeys who came up with the whole GIF thing in the first place want to make a whole lot of money off of it, and are threatening to sue websites, including noncommercial sites, that use GIFs for a $5000 licensing fee. Even if the GIFs were generated by a licensed editor. You can get more info at Don Marti's Burn All GIFs Day site. These people are morons, I'm sorry. Everybody start using the .PNG format now. And get rid of all browsers that don't support .PNG. PNG, for those of you who are uninitiated is a 32 bit, compressable, non lossy format that does multiple levels of transparency and basically rocks. Saw all this over at Slashdot.
It\'s too bad that current PNG support in popular browsers (especially IE5) is completley and totally fucked.
in IE5, png\'s with alpha are rendered as blank images, completley transparent, and png\'s inside