Season of the Chosen Triumphs for the Chosen Title - Destiny 2

Published , by Sam Chandler

Season of the Chosen has landed in Destiny 2 and players can unlock a new Title, Chosen, provided they complete the necessary seasonal Triumphs. Though there are only a few Triumphs required for the new Title, players may want to complete everything on offer.

Season of the Chosen Triumphs – Chosen Title

Two of the Triumphs for the Chosen Title are marked as "secrets". You can read what they are below.

The following Triumphs from Season of the Chosen must be completed in order to unlock the Chosen Title. These Triumphs are found under the Seal tab in Triumphs as well as in the Season of the Chosen tab. Credit to for information surrounding the classified and secret triumphs.

Season of the Chosen Triumphs – Other Triumphs

These Triumphs from Season of the Chosen are not required in accessing the Title. Some of the above Triumphs are also listed under the following sections in-game but have been left out of the following list.









There are a whole lot of Triumphs to unlock during Season of the Chosen but only 10 of them are required in unlocking the Seal and the Chosen Title. Those that want to claim the Title would be wise to focus on the Triumphs that are currently available and then check in on a weekly basis so as to avoid missing any rotations. Stop by the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for more seasonal content and overview of other in-game activities.