SEGA's Toshihiro Nagoshi would like to work on a new, challenging F-Zero game

Published , by TJ Denzer

F-Zero remains among the list of iconic Nintendo IP that has sat dormant for years following its last big major release. There is definitely still a fanbase that holds out hope that the sci-fi racer could one day make a return, and apparently we can add to that collective the lead producer of the franchise’s last major game: Toshihiro Nagoshi. He recently revealed that he wouldn’t mind getting back together with Nintendo on a return to the series with a new game.

Though he currently works at SEGA on the Yakuza series, Toshihiro Nagoshi was also once the lead producer on F-Zero GX for GameCube. In a recent interview with Red Bull France, Nagoshi revealed that if the opportunity was presented to return to F-Zero, it’s one he would take.

“Putting aside the odds of it happening, I must admit I have a lot of affection for F-Zero GX. If the opportunity were to present itself, I wouldn’t mind. And in that case, I’d like to make it a challenging game. I believe that if Nintendo just wants a racing game that is ‘fun and accessible’, they already have Mario Kart for that purpose.”

F-Zero GX remains one of the last quality offerings of the racing franchise, but Toshihiro Nagoshi wouldn't mind making a return with a new game.

The F-Zero franchise has been quiet for years with the last releases being F-Zero: GP Legend and Climax for the Game Boy Advance, neither of which were particularly well-liked. There was small hopes raised of a possible return of the series back in July 2020, but these hopes were dashed as an apparent Twitter account turned out to be a massive troll. Regardless, it’s good to know that there are veteran developers of the F-Zero franchise that would happily pick up where they lift off if the chance presented itself.

Now, if only Nintendo would consider letting Captain Falcon break free of his solitary representation in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and consider chatting with Nagoshi, maybe F-Zero could ride again. That’s a pretty big if though. Stay tuned as we follow this topic with any further updates.