Windjammers 2 rollback netcode is happening, but the game has been delayed to 2021

Published , by TJ Denzer

There is little doubt that when Windjammers 2 finally launches, it’s a game in which players will want to test their skills against one another regardless of what state the world is in. That said, if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that an entire scene of physical events can be shut down by the worst circumstances and we need solutions when that’s the case. With that in mind, Dotemu has chosen to delay Windjammers 2 back to 2021. Why? So they can implement rollback netcode in the game and ensure it’s ready for online competition on Day 1.

Dotemu announced its decision to delay Windjammers 2 via the Dotemu Twitter on December 10, 2020. The decision did not come lightly as the team took time to recognize the situation and what Windjammers 2 needs to best serve its community. In an immediate follow-up to questions asked in the comments, the studio revealed that the decision to push back the launch and work on rollback netcode was spurred by community feedback received during the game’s appearance in the June 2020 Steam Festival.

Dotemu obviously knows how to pour quality into its games. It presided over the successful launch of Streets of Rage 4 alongside Guard Crush Games and Lizardcube. A lot of eyes have been on Windjammers 2 as the group has prepared it, and while the decision to delay it back to 2021 may be disappointing, taking the time to properly implement rollback netcode is arguably a great call that will only serve to better the game and make its competitive community happy when it arrives. With rollback having arrived in Tekken 7 and being implemented in Guilty Gear Strive, it’s becoming less and less acceptable to ship a fighting or one-on-one competitive game without it, something some of us would wholeheartedly argue for in our Shack Chats.

Stay tuned for more information on a new Windjammers 2 release window in 2021 as we await further updates and details on the game.