Google Stadia will be available to iOS users soon

Published , by Chris Jarrard

If you’re one of the alleged thousands of satisfied Good Stadia users, some great news is on the horizon that will expand the reach of the streaming game platform. Google will soon be offering iOS access to the Stadia streaming service thanks to a new web-based design that will allow the service to circumvent Apple’s App Store restrictions.

Earlier this year, Apple informed cloud gaming providers that their services were not cool for distribution via Apple’s App Store. The sticking point between Apple and streaming service providers came down to Apple’s inability to individually screen each game that would be offered, thus putting said services in violation of App Store guidelines. This same restriction didn’t seem to apply to the countless apps that offer movies, shows, and music that Apple does not individually screen, oddly enough.

All that aside, Google appears to have a workaround prepared so they can get Stadia in front of millions of devices. The company has built a web app integration for Stadia that skirts Apple’s guidelines in a way that it will be permitted to operate on iPhones, iPads, and more. NVIDIA announced similar plans for its own GeForce Now service that were also made available today for iOS users.

This new expansion of Google Stadia comes on the one-year anniversary of the service’s launch.