Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 will add Designer's Cut & Director's Cut

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

It was fair to assume that development on Borderlands 3 had wrapped up. After all, 2K Games and Gearbox got a full season pass of DLC out there. However, it turns out that the latest trek through Pandora isn't over just yet. On Thursday, Gearbox announced that there's going to be a second season pass, one that's going to feature two new add-ons called the Designer's Cut and the Director's Cut.

The full announcement of Season Pass 2 comes from the Borderlands website. There aren't many details regarding what's coming in this latest batch of DLC. The Designer's Cut is set to launch on November 10 on all platforms (including PS5 and Xbox Series X) and will add a new Skill Tree for each of the game's Vault Hunters. Gearbox will go into more detail on these new skill trees over the next few weeks on the Borderlands Twitch channel, detailing Amara and FL4K's on October 20 and then detailing Moze and Zane's on October 22.

The Designer's Cut is also going to add a new game mode called Arms Race. What does that entail? We don't exactly know yet. There are no details on this new game mode and Gearbox is keeping quiet until October 29 and 30. On those dates, Gearbox will jump back on the Borderlands Twitch channel and reveal more information, as well as hands-on gameplay.

As for the Director's Cut, there is no information on that at all for now. Gearbox is promising more info on that at a later date. In the meantime, Borderlands 3's Season Pass 2 is set to launch on November 10 on all platforms, including the next-gen consoles. If you're looking to start up the game for the first time, be sure to check out our full Borderlands 3 walkthrough and guide.