Published , by Ozzie Mejia
Published , by Ozzie Mejia
Hearthstone shook up its Battlegrounds mode something fierce with the addition of Elementals. Minions have been hitting triple digit stats regularly and Blizzard has determined that things have gotten a bit out of control. With that said, they've pulled out the nerf bat from the nerf broom closet and decided to whack a few heroes like Ragnaros and Maiev with the upcoming 18.4.2 patch. And your Pogo Hopper builds? Those are no more.
Here are some of the heroes getting significant nerfs with the next update, taken from the Hearthstone website:
But Blizzard isn't all nerfs and pulling teeth. They're buffing a few other heroes in an effort to help bring them up to the rest of the pack. Here are the heroes getting buffed:
Lastly on the hero note, it's last call for Bartendotron. The hero who's been in Battlegrounds since its inception has been retired.
There are also several big minion changes and the biggest ones involve Whirlwind Tempest and Pogo-Hopper. Rather than make any adjustment to them, Blizzard has removed them from Hearthstone Battlegrounds entirely. Whirlwind Tempest has led to some wild Mega-Windfury builds that can wipe out the opposing side of the board before the opponent can even take their turn. And while Pogo-Hopper was powerful with heroes like Shudderwock, it was downright broken with Jandice Barov, who was able to buy and upgrade Pogos over and over.
Other minions have also received some significant changes:
These changes will go into effect this Thursday. As for what's available today, Hearthstone's single-player Book of Heroes mode continues with its next chapter. This one revolves around Rexxar the Hunter. Look for a special Boss Battle Royale as this week's Tavern Brawl, starting tomorrow. We'll have more to say about Hearthstone in the future, as well as Battlegrounds, so keep it on Shacknews for the latest.