PAX Online: Geeks Who Like Sports panel with Asif Khan

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Pax West was just one of a countless number of in-person events that were cancelled as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Pax Online was held as a way to give fans the closest possible thing to a PAX experience without having a mass gathering. One of the many panels featured during the event was Geeks Who Like Sports. One of the panelists was our very own CEO and Editor-In-Chief Asif Khan. 

In the full panel, which can be viewed below, the group discusses a range of topics. Asif speaks about how Kamala Khan’s role in Marvel’s Avengers is a huge win for diversity in gaming, as well as how the medium still has a way to go. The group also talks about their favorite sports teams. Be sure to tune in if you want to hear Asif lament the current state of the Cleveland Browns.

Geek culture and sports culture have been diametrically opposed for generations. Stereotypes often convey nerds and gamers as people who detest sports, and on the other hand, sports fans as cool “jock” types that don’t partake in geek culture. These concepts mean that those who are passionate about both gaming and sports can find themselves having a unique social experience. 

One place where the two groups converge is in sports games. The panel talks about their experiences with sports franchises like Madden and 2K, as well as reflect on some of the best memories of said series.

The Geeks Who Like Sports panel was just one of many featured during the lengthy PAX Online convention. For more fascinating discussions and videos on the gaming industry and more, consider subscribing to Shacknews on YouTube. For more Geeks Who Likes Sports, the podcast is actually run by second place finisher at the Shacknews E3 2019 World Championship Ray Carsillo. More episodes can be found on their website.