Shacknews Stimulus Games 2020 - Bizarro Wolverines Return

Published , by Asif Khan

The Shacknews Stimulus Games 2020 are set to continue tonight at 8:30 PM ET with a very special Shacknews Stimulus Games 2020. Tonight, I am playing that dumb NCAA 13 Dynasty Mode again, and you can win Amazon gift cards just by watching! Please take a look.

Shacknews Stimulus Games 2020 - Bizarro Wolverines Return

Folks who have played this game before know the deal, but for people new to the Bizarro Wolverines. Every time I get a turnover, or turn the ball over, we will have a trivia question. The first person to correctgly answer that question will be able win a $20 Amazon gift card. We will also have folks in the chat guess my final score. If you are closest without going over, you win a $100 gift card. If you guess my score exactly on the nose, you win a $200 gift card instead.

We know that this event isn't going to save the global economy alone, but we are relentless in our effort to spread positivity in the face of ever-increasing darkness. The Shacknews Stimulus Games 2020 will continue with even more entertaining video game competitions. We will resume our Shacknews live event efforts with once this pandemic is over, but in the meantime, we want to bring some joy to this planet.

Join us as we celebrate video games. You are stuck in your house, so you might as well. Our livestream will kick off at 8:30 PM ET/ 53:30 PM PT on the Shacknews Twitch channel.