Where was Battletoads at the Xbox Series X Games Showcase?

Curious to know where Battletoads was during the Xbox Series X Games showcase? Here's what we know.



The Xbox Series X Gaming Showcase in July had a ton of games to share for Microsoft’s upcoming console. From Halo to Fable, there was a lot of good things to see out of the presentation. However, at least one prominent game was left out of the mix. Where was the Battletoads reboot that’s being developed by Rare and Dlala Studios?

Where was Battletoads at the Xbox Series X Games Showcase?

The Xbox Series X Gaming Showcase presentation took place on July 23, 2020. During the near-hour-long presentation, we got to see plenty of great looking games, including almost 10 minutes of brand-new Halo Infinite gameplay. While the event had plenty to show off, quite a few anticipated titled slipped under the radar, leaving many to wonder where games like Battletoads were.

The Battletoads reboot was originally announced during E3 2019 with a short announcement trailer. The game was set to bring Rash, Zitz and Pimple back into the fight almost 25 years after the gang’s last full-blown adventure. The new title was supposed to release in 2019 on the Xbox One. Unfortunately, as we get closer and closer to the release of the Xbox Series X, the game’s release on Xbox One has come under an understandable bit of speculation.

Is it still happening? Will the game make the jump to the Xbox Series X instead? Many fans were hoping to see more of the upcoming Battletoads reboot during today’s Xbox Series X Games Showcase, but alas, Rare had other plans.

It’s still unclear exactly what is going on with Battletoads. No news has dropped about the title recently, so we’re all still in the dark. All we can do is assume that Rare is hard at work making the game the best that it can be, all while juggling the other projects they currently have on their plate.

We’ll continue to look out for more news on Battletoads. For now, make sure you check out the rest of the Xbox Games Showcase announcements right here on Shacknews.

Josh Hawkins is a former Guide Writer for Shacknews, and TJ Denzer is currently a Senior News Editor with Shacknews.

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