How to get Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams - Destiny 2

Published , by Sam Chandler

Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams are one of many engrams in Destiny 2. Added with Season of Arrivals, these engrams are decoded using Drifter’s nifty Umbral Decoder, the only difficulty is actually finding the things in the first place. For those chasing the season Seal and Title, getting an Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram will be a top priority.

Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams

To get an Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram, players must first begin Zavala’s quest, Exodus: Preparation. This questline has players stomping around the galaxy defeating enemies and preparing planetary vendors for the inevitable attack.

As part of the Exodus: Preparation quest, players will also need to complete a weekly bounty from Sloane, Asher, Brother Vance, and Ana Bray. It’s these weekly bounties that reward Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams. If you do not have the quest in your inventory, you will not be able to collect these bounties.

exodus-focused umbral engrams destiny 2
Completing one of the planetary vendors' weekly bounties will reward an Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram, but only those vendors included in the Exodus: Preparation questline.

Completing one of these weekly bounties is pretty simple. Most of them require you to either do a strike, defeat some enemies, run some patrols, or clear public events. Once this is done, cash in the bounty to get the engram.

The reason most players will be chasing this special Umbral Engram is that it is a requirement in the Season of Arrivals Triumphs for the Seal and Title. Another task is to destroy 50 Savathun’s Eyes, which requires unlocking the Ruinous Effigy, so there’s a bit of work to do.

Once you have access to the Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams, you will also be able to get the Assassin-Focused and CQC-Focused Umbral Engrams. This will round out the last of the Umbral Engram Triumphs for the season. All that's left now are the few remaining secret Triumphs, which we already know about thanks to the Destiny 2 API.

Thankfully, the mystery of how to get Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams has been solved with the release of the Exodus: Preparation quest in Destiny 2. This will get players one step closer to completing all the Triumphs for the season. Take a moment to look over the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for even more walkthroughs and tips for the latest season.