New Horizon Zero Dawn PC trailer confirms HDR, unlocked FPS, and ultrawide support

Published , by Asif Khan

Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition is launching on PC later this year. Guerilla just posted a new PC Features Trailer for the game. Please take a look.

The 90 second trailer actually packed a big punch highlighting the following features coming to the Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition's PC release:

It seems like Guerilla is taking this game's PC release very seriously. While Death Stranding hits PC later this month, making it the first Decima Engine game to grace our glorious PCs, Horizon Zero Dawn will be the first game built on the engine to ship with HDR support at launch. Check out my preview of Death Stranding on PC for more early impressions of how the Decima Engine runs on PC.

Our two favorite words: release date. Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition for PC launches on August 7, 2020.
Our two favorite words: release date. Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition for PC launches on August 7, 2020.

Guerilla wasn't done with the announcements in this trailer. Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition for PC is set to launch with a August 7, 2020 release date. This will be just three weeks after Death Stranding's release, so fans of the Decima Engine are going to have their hands full this summer on PC. Be sure to check out our Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 review from back in 2017, if you need some more convincing before the game lands on Steam and Epic Games Store this August.