Min Min revealed for Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass 2 DLC roster

Published , by TJ Denzer

We finally got a look at the first character of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass 2 DLC. Coming from ARMS, Min Min is the fighter that will be joining the Smash roster. Masahiro Sakurai gave us a large presentation of Min Min and what she will be able to do when she enters the Smash Bros Ultimate fight.

Nintendo and Masahiro Sakurai revealed Min Min as the first fighter of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass 2 DLC in a special Smash Direct presentation on June 22, 2020. A martial artist and Chinese representative of the ARMS roster, Min Min will be coming to Smash Ultimate on June 29, 2020 and features a wealth of springy long-range attacks, some fast kicks, a laser-spewing dragon on one arm, and wealth of different weapons on the other. She’s coming into the Smash roster alongside new music and a stage from the ARMS series. Min Min will be $5.99 by herself or can be bought as a part of the Fighters Pass Vol. 2 package for $29.99. You can see Min Min’s reveal trailer just below.

One of the more interesting core mechanics of Min Min is that while her left arm remains a dragon head, her right arm can be changed into a number of different weapons with varied capabilities. Ramram is a boomerang ring-like weapon with a long, fast range, but weak damage. It has a long of controllable curve on the end that can be used to push foes off the stage and keep them from coming back easily. Meanwhile, Megawatt is a slow, hard-hitting wrecking ball. If charged, a hit from Megawatt can easily KO foes even at low percents of damage. Finally, Min Min can equip a second Dragon that can be used in tandem with her first. It has average speed and damage, but can be comboed easily with the right left Dragon and shoot lasers to extend the attack on unsuspecting foes.

We’ve known an ARMS characters going to be the first fighter of Super Smash Bros Ultimate’s Fighters Pass Vol. 2 for a while, but Min Min is looking pretty great as the opening volley of the new DLC set and we won’t be waiting long for her arrival on June 29. Stay tuned for further information and details on the rest of the Fighters Pass 2 characters.