ICE-T Plays The Division 2 with Shacknews at E4 2020

Published , by Brittany Vincent

The Shack Staff spent some time with ICE-T while playing The Division 2, and it was glorious. 

ICE-T was kind enough to join Asif, Blake, and David to tackle The Division 2. What ensued was one of the best gaming sessions to have ever graced Shacknews, and we're proud to have had a chance to spend some time with the man, the myth, and the legend. We did it. ICE-T carried the Shack Staff in The Division 2.

As a side note, ICE-T put together an anthem for strong women for the Tank Girl soundtrack called "Big Gun", and it slaps, if you haven't already heard it. ICE-T also proved that he is a proponent for awesome women (like yours truly) but I was not part of this stream, so obviously he didn't know of my existence.

At one point there were SIX girls, count 'em, SIX girls in the chat, and our intrepid Division players took on waves of enemies while discussing waves of COVID-19, which everyone should endeavor not to get. Take that from ICE-T: You don't want to get infected with the coronavirus.

The discussion soon turned to ICE-T wondering if anyone actually uses physical media to play games. This was followed by the staff committing blasphemy and indicating that there is "no use" for discs anymore, which made me openly weep as a hardcore collector who owns nearly every console available and a massive game collection.

ICE-T proved his prowess and showed us exactly why he's such a gamer legend, all the while discussing why Call of Duty updates have to be so large, packed shows in Japan that feel like infernos when full of people, and what happens when promoters for shows don't want to pay because of "some bullshit". Plus, ICE-T ruminated over what he felt was the best video game of all time. 

Want more? We've got plenty more in stock for you. This is just a small portion of the full interview with ICE-T. Subscribe to the Shacknews YouTube channel for more exclusive interviews.