All safe codes – The Last of Us Part 2
Your comprehensive guide to all of the safe codes in The Last of Us Part 2.
As you explore the world in The Last of Us Part 2, you’re going to come across a number of secrets, including several safes that are just absolutely littered with supplies. Finding the code to these safes can be a bit difficult at times, so we’ve put together this handy guide to all the safe codes in The Last of Us Part 2.
This post will contain spoilers for all of The Last of Us Part 2. If you want to avoid spoilers, then we highly recommend not reading any further down below this image.

All safe codes
Alright, let’s get started. To make each safe easier to identify, we’ve included the name of each primary chapter, each encounter, as well as the general location/building of each safe. This should help comparing the codes to the safes more manageable.
Supermarket safe – Jackson – Patrol

The first safe in The Last of Us Part 2 can be found during the Patrol encounter while playing as Ellie. After reaching the supermarket area, you’ll eventually head into a section that is filled with spores. While exploring the upper floor, you can locate a safe in one of the offices. This safe’s code is 07-20-13. Make sure you open it when you first find it, as you can miss it if you continue too far ahead.
Bank vault – Seattle Day 1 – Downtown

After reaching the “Fuck Fedra” gate, Ellie and Dina will explore a ruined downtown section of Seattle. There are a number of buildings you can enter here, but the Weston Bank holds the most valuable prize. Inside you can find a bank vault. You can unlock the vault using the code 60-23-06. You’ll find the Pump Shotgun inside.
Madison street safe – Seattle Day 1 – Downtown

The next safe on our list can be found on Madison Street, at the Checkpoint Gate West 2. This is fairly close to the Valiant Music Shop, so look around if you’re having trouble finding it. The code for this safe is actually written on the massive list of gate codes you acquire earlier in the game. The safe combination here is 04-51.
Courthouse office safe – Seattle Day 1 – Downtown

To find this next safe, players will need to head into the courthouse. Along the way, you’ll find yourself able to head into a small office area that requires you to break the glass open. A safe resides inside, underneath the main desk. The code to this safe is 86-07-22
Furniture Store safe – Seattle Day 1 – Capitol Hill

This particular safe can be found inside of a small furniture store while exploring the Capitol Hill encounter. Head to the back room of the store and use the code 55-01-33 to open the safe and grab the contents inside.
Locker room door code – Seattle Day 1 – The Tunnels

After making it into the tunnels, explore the area until you come across a locked door in a breakroom area that requires a code. There are some goodies hidden behind this door and you can use the code 15243 to unlock the door and gain access to the locker room before continuing forward.
Auto garage safe – Seattle Day 2 – Hillcrest

The code to this safe can be found while exploring the Hillcrest area. This section of the game is rife with WLF soldiers, so make sure you move carefully through the houses and buildings. This particular safe can be found in the back of an auto garage building that has several infected locked inside. The code to the safe is 30-82-65.
Apartment safe – Seattle Day 2 – The Seraphites

One of the buildings that Ellie ducks into during this part of the game contains a safe in the bedroom closet. The combination itself can be gleamed from some nearby notes, though for the sake of making things easy we’ll include it here. The code to this safe is 08-10-83.
Weston’s Pharmacy Safe – Seattle Day 2 – The Seraphites

Still playing as Ellie, players will encounter this safe inside of an old and beat down Weston’s Pharmacy. The code to this particular safe is 38-55-23, and can be learned from notes around the area.
Flooded stash safe – Seattle Day 3 – The Flooded City

This stash can be found while making your way towards the aquarium using the boat that Ellie stole. At one point you will come to a room where you have to disembark and lift up a door using a nearby chain. There’s a safe in this room, hidden behind a locked gate on the right-hand side of the room. Use the stairs on the left side of the room to reach another area, then climb under some rubble to find a way to drop down into the fenced in section. The code to this stash is 70-12-64.
MS Corporation Soft Drink Distribution Center safe – Seattle Day 1 – On Foot

Finding and unlocking this safe will be helpful, as it will grant you access to a powerful pistol that takes down enemies quickly, especially when upgraded. The code to this safe is 17-38-07 and it can be found before you drop down into the trainyard.
Jasmine Bakery Safe – Seattle Day 1 – Hostile Territory

Players can find this safe inside of the small Jasmine Bakery after Abby heads off to find Owen at the aquarium. You’ll need to break open the windows to get access to the store. Once inside, head to the back and open up the safe using this code: 68-96-89.
Ship bridge safe – Seattle Day 1 – The Coast

After getting the Crossbow, players can make their way further up through the ship to the deck. There are several infected here, including Runners, Clickers, and even a Shambler. Before going too far, turn to the left and climb into the bridge, where a safe awaits you. The code to the safe is 90-77-01, and it has some useful items inside.
Apartment safe – Seattle Day 2 – The Shortcut

While on your way to the hospital, you’ll find yourself in a small apartment building with several notes and supplies hidden within it. Before dropping down and continuing, be sure to open up the safe in the bedroom using the code 30-23-04. This particular combination is found by putting two apartment numbers together using notes left by the survivors who uses to live here.
Gym lobby safe – Seattle Day 2 – The Descent

While making your way through the derelict hotel, you’ll be able to find this safe inside of the janitorial closet outside of the gym near the top floors where you fall into the pool. The code for this safe is the same as the floor’s wifi, 12-18-79. Use the code to get access to the goodies inside.
Now that you’re equipped with each of the safe codes you can find, make sure you head back over to our The Last of Us Part 2 guide for even more helpful info. We’ve put a ton of great content together to help you make the most of your experience in Naughty Dog’s latest adventure.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, All safe codes – The Last of Us Part 2