How to get Altered Element - Destiny 2

Published , by Sam Chandler

Altered Element is another currency added to Destiny 2 in Season of Arrivals. This special currency is used at the Prismatic Recaster, Drifter’s ramshackle Engram-tinkering device of unknown origins. Players that want to get the best weapons and gear possible will want to have a steady supply of Altered Element coming into their possession.

How to get Altered Element

Much like getting more Twisted Energy, getting Altered Element is going to be the main focus of Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals. In order to start getting Altered Element, players will need to progress far enough through the Season of Arrivals campaign to the point where Drifter lets them start messing with recasting the Umbral Engrams.

Complete the Daily bounties from the Prismatic Recaster to get more Altered Element.

Once players have full access to the Prismatic Recaster, acquiring Altered Element becomes incredibly easy. As of writing, there seems to be only one way to get Altered Element, and that’s by completing the daily bounties offered by the Prismatic Recaster. These bounties will reward a set amount of the new currency, so do as many of them as you can to get up a good supply.

Players with multiple characters will likely want to ensure both the Daily and Weekly bounties are completed across all Guardians. This will ensure a decent supply is stockpiled for when you want to farm a particular roll on a certain set of armor or weapons.

Now that you have a fairly good idea of how to get more Altered Element, you will likely want to just focus on getting as much as you can, as soon as you can. While you’re farming, take a moment to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide, we’ll have ongoing coverage of the Season of Arrivals, including in-depth guides on the new dungeon as well as guides covering what weapons are in the current meta.