Hip Pouch locations - Resident Evil 3

Find all Hip Pouches in Resident Evil 3 to increase your inventory size to carry more items.


There are several Hip Pouches to find in Resident Evil 3. Some of these are scattered throughout the campaign, while a couple can only be purchased from the special store. If you want to have more inventory space to carry more weapons and ammo, you're going to want to unlock each of these pouches.

Hip Pouch locations

Over the course of the Resident Evil 3 remake, you'll come across five hip pouches in the game world. There are two more, but you must unlock them by earning points and purchasing them in the in-game store. But first, let's cover the Hip Pouches you can find. These each increase the inventory size by two points. Be sure to track them all down, as, without them, you'll be making boss fights more difficult than they ought to be.

Hip Pouch 1

The first pouch is in the Subway Power Substation safe room. This hip pouch is on a stepladder by the window.

Hip Pouch 2

To get this hip pouch, you will need to find the jewels for the clock tower monument. Collect the jewels and place them into the monument in the subway station to unlock the hip pouch, as well as a tactical stock shotgun weapon upgrade. You must insert three jewels in order to get this hip pouch.

Hip Pouch 3

This next hip pouch is in the Sewers on the Upper Waterway, in the Security Room. This is the room you’ll see the first time you enter the sewers and the hip pouch will become marked on your map.

Hip Pouch 4

This will be the first hip pouch you collect when playing as Carlos. Make your way to the West Office in the Police Station. Inside this first floor (1F) room will be a safe – one of the many safes and lockers to open in Resident Evil 3. Use the following code to open the safe and claim the hip pouch: left 9, right 15, left 7.

Hip Pouch 5

Another hip pouch for Jill to find is in the Underground Storage, the area below the Hospital. The hip pouch is in the Office Safe Room, on top of a cabinet.

Hip Pouches – Store

While those are just the hip pouches you can find while playing through the Resident Evil 3 campaign, there are more that can be unlocked through the Store. Don't worry: There's not a microtransaction to be found in Resident Evil 3's excellent campaign. To earn points, you complete in-game challenges such as killing a certain number of enemies, dispatching enemies with specific weapons such as the handgun or grenade launcher, and progressing through the story. You can view these challenges at any time by pausing the game and selecting "Records" from the main menu.


The "Records" menu spells out the goal of each challenge and how many points completing it will net you. (Some challenges are secret; these are indicated by "???" in the description.) The tougher the challenge, the more points you'll receive for completing it.

After finishing the game once, you'll unlock the Store. Visit the Store at the main menu by selecting Bonuses, then choosing Store. Here you'll find a list of every unlockable and how many points they cost. Scroll down a bit, and you should see two hip pouches priced at 4800 points each.

You can spend your points at the Store anytime, even in the middle of a game session. Just make sure to save your game, then quit to the main menu and visit the Store. However, there is a catch: Some unlockable items, such as coins that boost your defense, attack power, or health regeneration, can be found in any item box the next time you play. The two hip pouches can only be found near the beginning of Resident Evil 3's story.

Jill Valentine is hip pouch to be square.
Jill Valentine is hip pouch to be square.

To claim the hip pouches after buying them, start a new game and play until you reach the subway. After Carlos instructs you to head topside and "gear up," take the stairs up to the first save typewriter and inventory box. The hip pouches can be found on a storage container to the right of the item box.

Since you know where to find all the hip pouches, and how to unlock the bonus hip pouches, you may want to know where to find all sorts of hidden items with which to fill them. For this, check out our Resident Evil 3 guide, which includes a full walkthrough for the Resident Evil 3 remake, as well as tips and tricks like how to load grenades faster.

Long Reads Editor

David L. Craddock writes fiction, nonfiction, and grocery lists. He is the author of the Stay Awhile and Listen series, and the Gairden Chronicles series of fantasy novels for young adults. Outside of writing, he enjoys playing Mario, Zelda, and Dark Souls games, and will be happy to discuss at length the myriad reasons why Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series. Follow him online at davidlcraddock.com and @davidlcraddock.

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