First Post! March 20, 2020

Published , by Asif Khan

Hey Shacknews, it's time for First Post! Let's officially kick off our day of posting. Please take a look.

Happy Anniversary Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Now where is ES6?

A message from Marty and Hugo about Doom Eternal's release

How goes your slaying, Shacknews?

COVID-19 can eat a fat one

Solid tweet.

Really makes you think...

Look at this silly pupper!

Just taking a nap after eating all the strawberry jam from r/rarepuppers

Way to go on that dog post, Reddit.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

There you have it, Shacknews. Your First Post! for March 20, 2020. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month. Here is a short video of Lola to brighten your day.

What are you up to this weekend? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.