Razer has begun producing surgical masks for donation around the world

Published , by TJ Denzer

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and efforts continue to contain it and support those affected, gaming peripheral company Razer has made a surprising effort to chip in. Recently, Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan announced that his company has shifted its manufacturing production to produce surgical masks which will be donated both in the companies home region and hopefully around the world in the near future.

Min-Liang Tan announced Razer’s efforts to produce and donate surgical masks via his personal Twitter on March 19, 2020. According to Tan, several factories have repurposed to put effort into this initiative. While the initiative has begun in Singapore, Tan has expressed that the goal is to hopefully gain clearance to donate in other countries as well and offer over 1 million surgical masks to medical authorities worldwide.

“While there has been incredible demand for our products during this time,” Tan wrote in a lengthy thread addressing the matter. “With many staying home to avoid the crowds (and to play games), the team at Razer understands that all of us have a part to play in fighting the virus – no matter which industry we come from.”

It’s a refreshing attitude to say the least. Razer has always offered some pretty top notch notebooks, headsets, gaming mice, and more, but with the current issues surrounding the coronavirus, the closure of a growing list of major events, and the effect on industry and workers the world around, it’s more than cool to see an organization with the means such as Razer has to shift their resources towards assisting where they can.

A major contributor to esports the world around, Razer was most likely heavily affected as well, but at least they’re doing something positive about it. Hopefully, this will also spur other companies with similar resources to follow suit in the efforts to contain and diminish the impact of COVID-19 around the globe.