Hearthstone sends Leeroy to Hall of Fame, reworks Priest class

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

It's that time of year for the Hearthstone Hall of Fame. That's when a handful of overused Standard cards from the Classic set are removed from Standard play and shifted into Wild. This year's class of cards is led by the old staple Leeroy Jenkins, but that's not the end of it. Blizzard is taking a massive sledgehammer to the Priest class, totally changing it by rotating out half a dozen cards and introducing a number of replacements.

Five Neutral cards will find their way out of Standard and into the Hall of Fame just priot to the start of the Year of the Phoenix, which begins with the release of Hearthstone's next expansion. They are:

But the bigger story might be the complete overhaul of the Priest class. Blizzard is looking to establish a clearer identity for the Priest, while removing abusive tools like Divine Spirit and Prophet Velen. So here are the six Priest cards that will move into the Hall of Fame:

To replace them, the following six Priest cards are being added to the Basic and Classic rotations:

That's not all, though. The other Priest cards that haven't been rotated out are seeing significant changes, ranging from cost changes to stat changes. Here are the changes that players can expect to see in the following cards:

The Priest rework will debut at the same time that the Hall of Fame cards rotate out. The Hall of Fame rotation and Priest rework will take place on March 26. There's still more coming from this morning's Hearthstone stream. We'll have more news as it comes in.