Legends of Runeterra patch notes 0.9.0 - Deny done dirty

Published , by TJ Denzer

As Legends of Runeterra has continued through its open beta, Riot Games and the community around Runeterra have learned plenty about what kind of emerging metas can shut down a match or need just a little extra oomph. Legends of Runeterra patch notes 0.9.0 launched recently, and among the major changes, those depending on Deny will find it just a bit more costly of a decision while the Shadow Isles’ greatest monsters were dialed back just a touch to allow more space to deter death.

The Legends of Runeterra 0.9.0 patch launched on February 17, 2020, as revealed on the Legends of Runterra Twitter, and it’s got a number of changes aimed at curbing early Ionian dominance and late Shadow Isle mayhem, all while giving champions Lux and Yasuo a leg up in their roles as stalwart warriors. The marquee of the 0.9.0 patch notes was the boosted mana it costs to play Deny. At 4 mana (up from 3), Deny can no longer be played just off the reserved mana pool alone, meaning players won’t be able to throw the card around so freely to stunt spells and shut down any and all spell card play at every turn.

Legends of Runeterra patch notes 0.9.0

You’ll see the broad strokes of Legends of Runeterra 0.9.0 just above, but for the fine print, check out the detailed notes just below, as posted by Riot Games.


Lux (Level 1)

Lux (Level 2)

Yasuo (Level 1)


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Arena Battlecaster

Crimson Curator

Inspiring Mentor

Jewelled Protector

Kinkou Lifeblade

Commander Ledros

Blade of Ledros

Rhasa, the Sunderer


Tortured Prodigy


General Changes

Clarity of card qualities

General XP

End-of-trial XP reduced:

Reduced XP adjustments for daily PVP wins—you’ll now receive more XP at high numbers of PVP wins in one day, and will always receive at least 100 XP for constructed PVP wins.

Friend match XP

Expedition rewards

Frames-Per-Second (FPS) Settings


Deckbuilder improvements

Board visuals


As the changes of Legends of Runeterra patch notes 0.9.0 roll out, Riot has mentioned that they’ll be keeping an eye on a few key qualities, including the Fearsome keyword, which means an attacking card can’t be challenged by another card with 3 power or less. Control options are also on watch. Deny was huge in shifting the meta of Legends of Runeterra, but Riot believes other options may require some attention to ensure the game isn’t overburdened by control decks. Want to learn more about building your decks, getting your rewards, and more? Be sure to check out our Legends of Runeterra walkthrough and guides.