Do it for Shacknews Award 2019 nominees

Published , by Asif Khan

The year 2019 is coming to and end, which means it is time to dish out some awards. Today, we wanted to give some props to several amazing people and companies who showed everyone what it means to do it for Shacknews this year. Without further ado, please take a look at our nominees.

Marc Rebillet

While Marc was nominated for this award in 2018, he truly went above and beyond this year coming to Los Angeles and rocking the house at the Shacknews E3 2019 Party. That is quite literally doing it for Shacknews! It is for that reason, and many more, that we are nominating him for a second time. Bless the Loop Daddy!

Panic Button

Panic Button won the Do it for Shacknews Award in 2017, and with today's nomination they are now the first three-time nominee. We love the work this studio has done porting games to the Nintendo Switch, and wanted to praise them once more for their work on Torchlight 2 and Wolfenstein Youngblood this year. Congratulations, Panic Button! You folks certainly know how to do it for Shacknews!


The game studio behind Rocket League did something that many people seem to have overlooked this year. The game now supports crossplay across all platforms. Nintendo Switch owners can play a game with their PS4 buddies, and invite an Xbox friend alongside a PC pal. This is the closest thing to world peace that humanity has ever achieved. While Epic Games broke down the crossplay wall last year with Fortnite, Rocket League nailed the new cross-platform multiplayer experience with hard work and determination. That is how you do it for Shacknews!

The Shacknews Staff

Shack Staff seen here at Shacknews Intergalactic HQ. Not pictured: Brittany, Sam, Bill, and Chris.

The Shack Staff literally does it for Shacknews every day. They are the hardest working bunch that I have ever had the pleasure of managing, and they deserve praise for the amazing year of 2019. Thank you Shack Staff, you show everyone how to do it for Shacknews.

Justin Roiland

Justin Roiland stopped by our E3 2019 booth for an interview about Trover Saves the Universe, the Squanch Games VR/flatscreen game. What ended up happening, was a bit different... He was also gracious enough to stick around on stage as the Shacknews Staff bid farewell to the E3 show floor. Thanks to Justin for helping to make our last moments as an E3 exhibitor so memorable. That is certainly one way to do it for Shacknews.

The Great Quakeholio Tournament 2

Everyone involved in The Great Quakeholio Tournament 2 deserves this nomination. The viewers, players, livestream video crew, QuakeCon attendees, and the Shack Staff on hand. We all did it for Shacknews in what was one of the best electronic sports competitions we have ever put on. The whole damn tournament deserves a nomination. Even fleabug and socksta who were carnival barking downstairs letting the masses know about our free El Fenix tacos.

Reggie Fils-Aime

Reggie stepped down as head of Nintendo of America earlier this year, but his next act in life is what has lead to his Do it for Shacknews Award 2019 nomination. Reggie is inspiring a whole new generation of leaders by sharing stories of his experiences at Nintendo as well as drilling down the core parts of his management philosophy. Reggie could have just peaced out and chilled on the beach for the rest of his life, but he is continuing to teach and inspire gamers every day. While we miss him during Nintendo Directs, he still checks in with us on Twitter from time to time.

Chatty Stream Team

The Shacknews Chatty community has always been super supportive of our content creation efforts, but this year we wanted to tip our fedoras to the Chatty Stream Team. This group of volunteers lead by skanckore and LandrosRadick have been amazing all year. This nomination is our last, but certainly not the least. Thank you Chatty Stream Team, you folks know how to do it for Shacknews!

There you have it. That is all of our Do it for Shacknews Award 2019 nominees. Check back later this month to see who will win this coveted award.