Published , by Donovan Erskine
Published , by Donovan Erskine
Initially released as a Manga, Fairy Tail follows the story of friends at a wizard guild and the adventures they embark on together. Since then, the series has seen a successful anime adaptation. Now, Fairy Tail is making the jump to gaming with an RPG on the way. We interviewed a developer behind the game to learn about the game’s core mechanics, along with what it takes from the source materials.
Our Reviews Editor Blake Morse sat down with a developer on Fairy Tail to talk specifics. In the interview below, the developer talks about the combat system. Although players can travel the overworld freely, combat in this anime/manga adaptation is turn-based. Battles are laid out on a grid like playing field and players must. move around and attack accordingly. “Because there are so many magics in this game… we just thought to add another layer [like] attack radius, in order to make it more interesting.
With the goal of staying true to the source material in mind, the Fairy Tail video game will feature a wide variety of spells and magic abilities for players to use. This alone will create for a diverse way to strategize and plan battles. Adding a turn-based combat system on a grid battlefield just looks to double down on these efforts.
If you’re a fan of Fairy Tail and can’t wait to get your hands on the game, it’s currently planning to launch in Spring 2020 for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Be sure to subscribe to the Shacknews and GamerHubTV YouTube channels for more exclusive gameplay interviews.